How can I pay for my order?
COD and bank transfer
Can you ship orders all over Pakistan?
Yes we deliver all over Pakistan by Postex and tcs
What are the delivery charges?
Delivery Charges 299
How can I track or check the status of my order?
We send your tracking id on WhatsApp or email
How can I return a product?
If you returned your order you have contact us on WhatsApp or email in 7 working days
Do I have to pay for shipping charges when returning a product?
No shipping charges on returning product
Can I return a product after 7 days?
No return after 7 days
Do you verify orders?
Yes we verify your order on call
What is the whitening?
Online Skin Care With 100% Original Stock
The aims to provide authentic skin care products, including whitening injections, tablets, capsules & other products.
Here are the four main sectors:
Pharmacy skincare
Whitening Injections.
Whitening Capsules.
Whitening Lotion.
Online Pharmacy:
The main goal to launch this facility is to provide people a facility where they can get 100% authentic & original imported products.